aventuras y desventuras de un superviviente en la jungla madrileña, germanofilo y amante de la belleza,...preferiblemente femenina.

jueves, 5 de junio de 2008

time to say goodbye...

We woke up in Obam, the ferry you can watch in front of the opposite cost is the one who carries people dayly to the isle of Mull.

The five day tour came to the end.

What a pity but never last for ever, after a very very long evening-night go out, drinking galore, proper hangover in some of us...

....we try to finish in our best. We closed the tour singing chikichiki, watching Madison´s tongue move in unusual ways, and cheering Justin when he drank 3 beers in a while, amazing show! Do you remember the beer shower?

In this place the clan MacDonald was slaugthered while they were sleeping, children, women and men. The England king ordered the warriors of the clan Cullon who were hosted by the McDonald to kill of the members of the clan. Only few members could run away to the mountains where they perished because of the icy weather.

Look this hairy and a big head of catle, amazing isn´t it? The long hair keeps them safe from miggies and sun in summer, and from rain and cold in winter,so then they can live happy in Highland outdoors in any year season.and they are huge, one and a half times a spanish cow, one thousand times a Popotamo, jejej.

this is the monument dedicated to William Wallace, (Braveheart ), an the city of Stirling from the hill

It has been great absolutely great, I would like to thank all of you, because you have been really friendly, patient and a kind of 24-hours wordreference for me. Morning and noon, evening and night, you were always there and made this travel a real experience. I would like to congratulate Graham for his support and great organization of the tour, and obviously my cousin Jose, without his help I this wouldn´t happened.

Waiting for Jose laying on grass in the middle of Princess Park a good book in front of me, fresh beer beneath..

Visual effect, there is a 5 meters descending ramp between the path in first place and the two girls reading.

Thanks a lot to all of you,my travelmates. you´ll have a room wherever I am.

Kindly regards
Popotamo...and Kobabumga

martes, 3 de junio de 2008

wearing wigs!!

This was our little tribute to all those heavy bands from nineties, Europe, Bon Jovi, and so on...

I would like to thank the guys I share room with, Nick, half spanish on her mother side, willing to learn this tongue. man, go on, you will get it by sure, and his friend Tom, as supple as elastic. Both guys left their homes 5 moths ago, and they are travelling around the world. In fact when they left Edimburg they were leading to London. Good luck and thanks for everything.

This day was great, our fourth day in route, we did visit the very famous, well known, everybody is going to ask you if you have visited it or not, as if it were the only thing worthy to watch in whole Scotland. Elean Donan Castle, were some scenes from "The inmortals" were filmed.

Awesome views aren´t they? the history of this castle is really sad. First built during the kingdom of Alexander II of Scotland (12xx) to protect their land against norwegian invaders, became resident of highlander clan MacRae, who left the castle after the Union treatment between Scotland and England. Later, a garrison of spanish who were trying to help the scotish Jacobites to recover their throne rights, occupied the site. So then English navy bombed the place in order to get an overwhelming victory, spanish men surrended and castle turned into a piles of stones.

Two centuries after those events a very wealthy guy, married with an even richer woman, decided to rebuilt the castle, a masive sum of money was put on. That´s why it seems to be so perfectly preserved.

Inside you can find an exact replica of an acient kitchen with maids and servers, foods and kitchen tools. very unique place

Views from castle ..

All togheter from left to right, Jane, always ready for another shot or also called "another drink?", Nick, Marochi, Tazia, Gabi, Tom at the back side, Me, holded by our tour leader Grahan, Gaby, "sailor captain", last one to left the party, and Madison, that besides give her name to a basketball arena, speaks fluent spanish with a sweety uruguayan accent.

It looks like bones, but they were really stones, perfectly polished by water across the centuries,

This dog came one and again into water to rescue the wood stick previously thrown, very friendly dog like all I found across scotland,
Justin celebreated his twentieth birthday, congratulions!!, bathing on the river drinking a pint of lager. This guy is one in a million, canadian, living in england, and his passport has more signs that an average spanish guy passport will have in his whole life. a brave guy and good friend. he always have a beer ready for you and is able to drink one can of beer in less than 3 seconds, even when the beer is warm. Shocking isn´t it?



lunes, 2 de junio de 2008

second day, love is in the air!!

Second day Oh man! I've completely fallen in love, and you will know why. For first time in my life I have experienced this only supposed human feeling, I thought I will never do, but in fact I have feel it, and in such an intensive way, friends!. and I think she, in certain way,loves me too, but only the way you love a pet, I guess. Oh, she's so friendly, nice, georgeus, amazing, and she always have a smile and is ready to roar with laughter if the joke deserves it. She finds me really cute, and every time she put her arms around me I feel in heaven. Oh Steffy, the lover of animals you're so extremely close, ummm, can a human and a puppy marry? My tribute to the queen of Australia!, I will never ever forget you.

Despite of my special nature, I have been really well-accepted by the group.Not only Steffy but Bobby, Graham and the rest all them, are very keen on me, I fell really special, I am the only one who is different here. I go with them every time we stop and come out of the staggering and the bus that so oftencauses me travelsick
a very curious place; a geological phenomenon, a beach covered by smooth and perfectly round stones. Very very unique place. First touch with North See, and water was not as cold as we expected, anyway no one dared to swing in the ocean. Once again we had a really good weather, I wonder where's the famous rain and foggy weather from Scotland?. People noses and arms becomed red today, mine remained grey.
waterfalls, green valleys, ruined castles,

We rested in a very special bed and breakfast,where two huge and playful dogs wellcome us, and we had a extremely copious and rich barbecue, that only costed 3 pounds per head. We collected the money, bought some food in a big store, and finally we cooked it all in the B&B. We do all colaborate, but I have to make an special mention to the australian, living in canada Tazia, who has a wonderful hand elaborating salats. Great Great, Great. I remember the delicious taste of bacon, by the way, british bacon is quite different from that we take in Spain, is more tasty, has more to do with "tocino" than with a thin oily slice of pig. At the end of the day, my owner felt like playing Chess and he challenged Marochi, it was a long long match. He won, obviously, Had anyone any doubts? jajaj, but we lost the track of the fellows and we couldn't join the night beers. We moved from pub to pub, unsuscessfully, finally we couldn't find them. What a pity!, anyway we could sleep well,and recharged our batteries for the next day.

Kindly regards

domingo, 1 de junio de 2008

first day

hey boys... Here we go! First day of the adventure. Can you Imagine u with 10 more english speeking mother tongue fellows all together in the some trip? Yeah..such a mess! Different access mixed in crazy arguments, full of joy, and lots of jokes, challenging isn't it? At the very begginig we visited Forth Bridge, is a very well known, remarkable place,here one bridge for train, another big one for cars. First touch with clear and huge massive amounts of water: LOCHS...They used this world both for salat and sweet waters, so then prior you don't know if you face a proper lake or salat water.You can find a good number of them all around this land.Charmfull, lovely, great.

Then began the show of !waterfalls! you can find lot of them throughout the scottish countrysite, enjoyable, fresh water running, little animals all around, and...the worst of all, MIGGIS!!. They were quite respectful with me, my blod must be not very sweet, well, in fact I have no blod at all, jajaja, advantages of being a puppy, but they did masacrate some of my travelmates!

Waterfalls, rivers, and ruined castles, here you can see the barracks of Ruthern. After the 1715 Jacobite raising, some barracks were built in strategic places to police the highlands. In 1745 Ruthven was sucessfully defended against a detachment of Prince Bonnye Charlie, but had to surrended to his main force in the following year. when the barracks were burned.

End of the day loch ness sailing, good place to rest and say goodbye, after a few beers in the bar. Members of the group seemed to be very friendly, open-minded, and they have travelled a lot, amazing stories were told in that little tavern. First meeting was really positive.Time to rest, boys on one room, girls in other, Bobby and Graham on their own,


enrolado en un tour por scotland

Nada, como Edimburgo se ve en dos dias decidi, (echo de menos los acentos y las enies, jodidos teclados britanicos) pues eso que me enrole en un tour organizado que me recomendo mi companera de piso, en una conversacion mantenida en plena frustracion organizativa en mi ultimo dia en Edimburgo (q en ingles se dice algo asi como "Edimbra", que suena al bra de EDIm, con lo cual si edim tiene buena delantera podria ser genial)

pues eso que aqui ando, como ella me recomendo encarecidamente el d 5 dias, pues cogi el de 5 dias, una lastima pq la juerga del viernes noche en edimburgo fue mas q sustanciosa, q deciros de aquello, uff...en cuanto a la local no hay termino medio, o son pibones tremendos, o son tremendas criaturas...no hay clase media. o t enamoras o tiendes a darles tu comida.

Por el tour, genial. me tienen la cabeza loca, son 11 ellos, australianos canadienses y britanicos, con lo cual la inmersion cultural en lo anglosajon esta resultando agotadora, too much in a too shor time, lo peor es que el tour leader es de Glasgow y tiene un acento que levanta un dolor de cabeza horroroso, ya ire contando mas cuando m independize de la tirania del reloj del ciber y pueda colgar foto, de momento, visto, pues playas cataratas, bosques, el lago ness, el campodebatalla de coulden,...y quedan 3 dias, altamente recomendable, y altamente, se dice asi?, caro, m estoy dejando un potosi en esto aqui se te van las pounds como el q no quiere la cosa

os dejo, no vaya a ser q se me corte como a la cachonda australiana de al lado, viene con el grupo q conste, ya os dejare fotos de su anatomia, jejejej, que se le ha colgado despues de redactar media hora
